berguna untuk developer, untuk tau ip publik, tinggal buka
sudah terjadi
cahaya matahari yg kita terima “sekarang” adalah cahaya yg dipancarkan matahari 8 menit 20 detik lalu
cahaya dari proxima centauri yg kita terima “sekarang” adalah cahaya yg dipancarkan/dipantulkan proxima centauri 4.3 tahun yg lalu
mungkin di ujung sana, sebenarnya sesuatu sudah terjadi bahkan sudah selesai, misal surga dan neraka, atau bahkan ketidakadaan semesta
kayaknya, yang kita alami sekarang adalah sisa cahaya hasil penciptaan dan pengakhiran semesta
jadi, whuuuffuit (baca sambil monyong)
wh.. adalah proses yg disebut bigbang
uuuffu.. adalah yg kita alami sekarang
it adalah akhir cerita yg sebenernya sudah terjadi
nabi muhammad isra mi’raj dan sudah melihat surga dan neraka yg sudah/sedang terjadi, gimana caranya? sedang kita/nabi muhammad pun saat itu sedang menjalani hidup ini
di isra mi’raj dikabarkan nabi muhammad mengalami itu dalam satu malam, bahkan dari posisi masjidil haram (mekah) ke masjidil aqsa (palestina) lalu ke sidratul muntaha (langit), itu jaraknya jauh banget, paling mungkin dilalui se kecepatan cahaya atau bahkan lebih, mengenai menggunakan apa, kita belum atau bahkan bisa jadi ngga akan pernah tahu
karena jumlah ilmu yg kita dapat dibanding ilmu Allah adalah ibarat satu jari dicelupkan ke lautan, nah sisa air diujung jari itu ilmu yg diijinkan Allah utk manusia ,dan lautan adalah ilmu Allah
karena ketika kita bisa bergerak = atau bahkan > kecepatan cahaya maka kita bisa “menyusul” proses whuuuffuit tadi
hanya ide
HOWTO: force a immediate reboot of a remote Linux machine
Occasionally as a Linux administrator you will be in the situation where working on a remote server and you are left with no option but to force a reboot the system. This may be for a number of reasons, but where I have found it most frequent is when working on Linux clusters in a remote location.
When the “reboot” or “shutdown” commands are executed daemons are gracefully stopped and storage volumes unmounted.
This is usually accomplished via scripts in the /etc/init.d directory which will wait for each daemon to shut down gracefully before proceeding on to the next one. This is where a situation can develop where your Linux server fails to shutdown cleanly leaving you unable to administer the system until it is inspected locally. This is obviously not ideal so the answer is to force a reboot on the system where you can guarantee that the system will power cycle and come back up. The method will not unmount file systems nor sync delayed disk writes, so use this at your own discretion.
To force the kernel to reboot the system we will be making use of the magic SysRq key.
The magic_SysRq_key provides a means to send low level instructions directly to the kernel via the /proc virtual file system.
To enable the use of the magic SysRq option type the following at the command prompt:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq
Then to reboot the machine simply enter the following:
echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger
Voilà! Your system will instantly reboot.
a 30meg hello world
baru belajar cross app development pake dotnetcore, bikin console hello world aja hasil publishnya 30mb ckckck… worth lah daripada belajar lagi swift atau obj-c
catatatatan, worth untuk developer tua 😀
kalo devs muda mah real native per platform aja yak, btw utk catatan saya upload stepnya dibawah untuk catatan pribadi juga

besok besok mau coba pake gui ah… hepikoding
compile php 5.6 ubuntu 20
howto compille php 5.6 on ubuntu 20
php5.6 is end of life, so, here we go
assume you’re in /home/xxx
[xxx@localhost ~]$ wget -O php-5.6.40.tar.gz
[xxx@localhost ~]$ tar -zxvf php-5.6.40.tar.gz
[xxx@localhost ~]$ mv php-5.6.40 php
[xxx@localhost ~]$ mkdir -p ./build
[xxx@localhost ~]$ mkdir -p ./src
[xxx@localhost ~]$ cd src
[xxx@localhost src]$ git clone
[xxx@localhost src]$ git clone
Open ssl 1.0.0
[xxx@localhost src]$ cd openssl
[xxx@localhost openssl]$ git checkout OpenSSL_1_0_0-stable
// Make sure Build is clean before recompiling
[xxx@localhost openssl]$ make clean
[xxx@localhost openssl]$ make dclean
// Configure OpenSSL
[xxx@localhost openssl]$ ./config -fPIC shared –prefix=/home/xxx/build
// Make OpenSSL & Install into Build Directory
[xxx@localhost openssl]$ make -j$(nproc)
[xxx@localhost openssl]$ make install
[xxx@localhost openssl]$ cd ~/build/bin
[xxx@localhost bin]$ ./openssl version
OpenSSL 1.0.0u-dev xx XXX xxxx
[xxx@localhost bin]$
Curl with openssl support
[xxx@localhost bin]$ cd ~/src/curl
// Run buildconf to create the autoconf file (may require sudo access)
[xxx@localhost curl]$ ./buildconf
// Configure cURL to point to OpenSSL 1.0.0 libraries, and install to Build directory
[xxx@localhost curl]$ env PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/xxx/build/lib/pkgconfig
[xxx@localhost curl]$ ./configure –with-ssl –prefix=/home/xxx/build
// Make & Install cURL to Build directory
[xxx@localhost curl]$ make -j$(nproc)
[xxx@localhost curl]$ make install
[xxx@localhost curl]$ cd ~/build/bin
[xxx@localhost bin]$ ./curl -V
curl 7.24.0 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/1.0.0u zlib/1.2.11
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http https imap imaps pop3 pop3s rtsp smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: IPv6 Largefile NTLM NTLM_WB SSL libz
Compile php 5.6
// Generate autoconf files. May require sudo access.
[xxx@localhost bin]$ cd ~/php
[xxx@localhost php]$ ./buildconf
// Configure PHP 5.6 to point to the Build directory containing OpenSSL & cURL
[xxx@localhost php]$ ./configure \
–prefix=/opt/php56 \
–with-config-file-path=/opt/php56/etc \
–with-curl=/home/xxx/build \
–with-openssl-dir=/home/xxx/build \
–with-openssl=shared \
–with-pdo-mysql \
–with-fpm-user=apache \
–with-fpm-group=apache \
–with-libdir=lib64 \ ** Use if on 64 bit OS. Include softlink to lib directory
// Make & Install PHP 5.6
[xxx@localhost php]$ make clean
[xxx@localhost php]$ make -j$(nproc) -B
[xxx@localhost php]$ make install
[xxx@localhost php]$ /opt/php56/bin/php -v
PHP 5.6.40 (built: Aug 8 2021 03:51:44)
Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.6.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies
rambut dan jembut
rambut adalah anugerah Tuhan ngapain harus ditutupi
jembut juga dong…. danjuga Free your nipples
ini bukan sarkas, saya mensupport anda kok
coba, baca pelan2… jangan emosi